GraVis Availability

Who may use GraVis and at which cost? Well, the first part of the question is answered easily: anyone! The rest of this page covers the datails of the answer to the second part of the question above. The essence of this discussion is that GraVis is not free - well, not for everybody.

Users of GraVis

We classify the users of Gravis into three categories and ask a different fee from each group for using GraVis . These categories are listed below, ordered with increasing asked price:
  1. Noncommercial research groups
  2. Private, noncommercial users
  3. Commercial users

1. Noncommercial Research Groups

This is the group which will get the best deal when using GraVis It won't cost them anything and this situation will not change in the future! However, this does not automatically include access to the source code and we would really like to know who you are and what you are doing with GraVis . So, please fill out the Survey

2. Private Noncommercial Users

If you want to try out GraVis for your personal fun or because graph drawing and graph algorithms are your hobby, you are welcome to use GraVis . It is pretty unlikely that we will ask money from the members of this group of users for future versions of GraVis Anyway, we still want to know who you are and what you are doing with GraVis , so please fill out the Survey

3. Commercial Users

Individuals or companies making money by using GraVis within their commercial product or by using GraVis internally are required to pay a licence fee to the GraVis team Please contact us (eg. Harald Lauer( ) directly if you belong to this group and want further information. The same is required if you want to sell GraVis

Who are you ?

Regardless to which group you belong, if you like GraVis or not or if you want to contribute the the GraVis project in any form (extension modules, bug reports, suggestions, constructive critique, ...), please let us know about you by filling the Survey form. Thank you!


Welcome Future
Features Eiffel
Platforms Team

Harald Lauer(